• Ensuring greater academic RECOGNITION on the global stage.
• Promoting TRANSFERABILITY of public health education & training.
• Increasing EMPLOYABILITY of public health graduates.
• Attesting the QUALITY of Public Health Workforce training.
APHEA - Agency for Public Health
Education Accreditaiton
Avenue des Arts 47
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: ++32 2 735 0890
NOVA National School of Public Health | |
As a reference institution in post-graduate teaching, research and the creation of value for the society in the area of Public Health, NOVA National School of Public Health (NSPH) is very proud to be the first Portuguese institution to receive institutional accreditation from the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA). The self-evaluation process and on-site visit allowed a broad reflection on the activities we develop and how we develop them. It was very useful, because it made it possible to identify opportunities for improvement and corroborate our strengths. Also, this comprehensive reflection involved all of NSPH’s community such as students, Alumni, faculty, researchers, staff, partners, and NOVA Rectory, which was a key factor for the process. Carried out within the scope of the School’s Quality Policy and Internationalization, under the |
project INOQPHE – Innovation for Quality in Public Health Education, and after the curriculum validation of the Master’s Courses in Public Health and Health Promotion, this institutional accreditation by APHEA is a commitment by the School’s Management to the quality and international recognition of NSPH-NOVA. In addition to reinforcing the validation of NSPH quality and its training programmes, the School’s Management believes that this recognition leverages the institution’s notoriety at a global level, contributes to the promotion of students’ employability and to the quality of professionals’ training in the areas of Public Health. |
Accredited 2021 |