• Ensuring greater academic RECOGNITION on the global stage.

• Promoting TRANSFERABILITY of public health education & training.

• Increasing EMPLOYABILITY of public health graduates.

• Attesting the QUALITY of Public Health Workforce training.


APHEA - Agency for Public Health Education Accreditaiton
Avenue des Arts 47
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: ++32 2 735 0890



  MSc Public Health
University of West of England. UWE Bristol
Dr Nick de Viggiani
Senior Lecturer
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
University of the West of England - UWE Bristol
Bristol, UK

The MSc Public Health at the University of the West of England, Bristol was one of the first Public Health postgraduate programmes to achieve APHEA validation and accreditation in 2014-15.

This was a proud achievement for us as it provided recognition of our status as an internationally respected Public Health programme in terms of teaching and research.

We have recruited international and UK students to the programme for more than twenty years, a large proportion of whom are professionals employed across a very broad range of public and environmental health contexts.

Validation and accreditation provided the opportunity to evaluate our programme for its “fitness for purpose” as a leading global health programme.

We can claim to be one of the few MSc Public Health programmes to be truly multidisciplinary – in terms of our ethos, our curriculum, our teaching faculty and our students. And the programme is proudly committed to tackling inequalities and challenging those factors that seek to disadvantage the most vulnerable or excluded members of society. Since accreditation, we have achieved a student satisfaction rating above 95%, our international

recruitment has been consistently strong, and we are proud to be based within a university with a gold rating for teaching excellence.

Being APHEA accredited has enabled us to benchmark the curriculum, along with the teaching and learning experience and our research outputs, against international standards, in the face of ever-changing global health challenges.




Our students expect a very high standard of Public Health education and research from UWE Bristol, and this is what we seek to offer, with APHEA providing a beacon against which we can measure our performance.

An international student recently described the UWE Public Health course as “a place for everyone in an inspiring city full of opportunities … I definitely recommend it to those who want to grow in their profession or start a new career in the field.”

Accredited 2015

Re-accredited 2021