• Ensuring greater academic RECOGNITION on the global stage.
• Promoting TRANSFERABILITY of public health education & training.
• Increasing EMPLOYABILITY of public health graduates.
• Attesting the QUALITY of Public Health Workforce training.
APHEA - Agency for Public Health
Education Accreditaiton
Avenue des Arts 47
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: ++32 2 735 0890
An institution which wishes to have its programme validated must submit an application to APHEA summarising the ability of the programme to meet the Curriculum Validation criteria as outlined in the application documentation. The application is organised in such a way to aid the applicant through the use of templates. However, applicants may already have the requested information expressed in different formats. If all of the criteria are demonstrated these different formats will be accepted. Equally, existing but incomplete documentation, supplemented with additional required information, will also be accepted. The aim of the Curriculum Validation is focussed on assuring the quality of the programme and not to impose unnecessary workloads on the applicant.
A new application must be completed for each programme validated. If an applicant wishes to pursue Programme Accreditation, an individual Curriculum Validation is required for each programme seeking accreditation. For applicants seeking Institutional Accreditation, the applicant has various options which include either: (i) one or more Curriculum Validations (ii) one Curriculum Validation and two CTEE accreditations or (iii) a range of specialisations within one programme.
The process for Curriculum Validation: Please note the following are represented in the process workflows here