• Ensuring greater academic RECOGNITION on the global stage.

• Promoting TRANSFERABILITY of public health education & training.

• Increasing EMPLOYABILITY of public health graduates.

• Attesting the QUALITY of Public Health Workforce training.


APHEA - Agency for Public Health Education Accreditaiton
Avenue des Arts 47
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: ++32 2 735 0890



Institutional Accreditation Criteria

Agency For Public Health Education Accreditation


Self-Evaluation Handbook


APHEA's Institutional Accreditation focuses up on the institution's ability to provide a solid structure or foundation for the public health academic, research and service output. The criteria/standards and sub-criteria are intended to maintain and improve the quality of public health educational institutions. They are not intended to dictate specific processes but rather to provide a framework within which each institution will be evaluated.

Each criterion is then broken down into a number of sub-criteria, all of which are to be addressed within the Self-Evaluation Report and accompanied by required documentation or other sources of information. Finally, where necessary, under the sub criteria there are bulleted checkpoints, which provide a basis for the arguments and conclusions with respect to each criterion.

Criterion I: Governance and Organisation of the Institution
The governance, organisational structure and processes are appropriate to fulfilling the mission, aims and objectives of the institution.

Criterion II: Aims and Objectives of the Public Health Institution and its programmes.
The Institution has a clearly formulated mission, conducive to the development of public health and which is responsive to changing environments, evidence, health needs of populations.

Criterion III: Programmes
The institution provides a supportive framework for each of the programmes offered at the institution.

Criterion IV: Students and Graduates
The institution has policies and procedures on student recruitment, enrolment, support and follow-up which are assessed and revised regularly.

Criterion V: Human Resources and Staffing
The institution ensures that the profile and number of teaching and support staff is appropriate to the provision of the stated programmes and their continuous development. The promotion and recruitment policy within the institutional recruitment regulations and procedures are consistent with the mission of the institution and the aims and objectives of the stated programmes.

Criterion VI: Supportive Services, Budgeting and Facilities
The accommodation, budget and facilities are adequate to realise the mission of the institution and range of programme aims and objectives.

Criterion VII: Internal Quality Management
There is an internal system for assuring quality and supporting policy development, decisions, and actions.