• Ensuring greater academic RECOGNITION on the global stage.
• Promoting TRANSFERABILITY of public health education & training.
• Increasing EMPLOYABILITY of public health graduates.
• Attesting the QUALITY of Public Health Workforce training.
APHEA - Agency for Public Health
Education Accreditaiton
Avenue des Arts 47
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: +32466900013
Institutional accreditation focuses up on the institution's ability to provide a solid structure or foundation for their public health academic, research and service output. Institutional accreditation was introduced in September 2014.
The term 'Institution' is used generically and refers to the academic units which are either stand-alone or a constituent part of a larger university or institutional structure. The titles typically used include school, department, faculty, institute, centre or college.
The steps toward institutional accreditation include:
The period covered by institutional accreditation is 6 years.