• Ensuring greater academic RECOGNITION on the global stage.

• Promoting TRANSFERABILITY of public health education & training.

• Increasing EMPLOYABILITY of public health graduates.

• Attesting the QUALITY of Public Health Workforce training.




Site Visitor Consultancy Service

Independent Sector Expertise

APHEA's list of on-site reviewers contain many public health experts from around the European Region as well as the globe. As the only sector specific accreditation in Public Health in the 53 countries of the European Region, APHEA also offers the possibility for national agencies to benefit from this experience.

If you are a national accreditation agency who require 3rd party or independent sector expertise in your processes please contact office@aphea.be to discuss how we can help you.


Monitoring and Evaluation

Moreover, through the use of our accreditation and validation frameworks as well as our independent expertise, APHEA can provide baseline assessments for monitoring public health school and programme development projects. These assessments, if required can be further used for post project analysis allowing for pre and post implementation evaluation.

If you run a project or are managing projects and require this form of independent assessment please contact APHEA on the email provided.